Welcome to BuilderNet
BuilderNet is a decentralized block building network for Ethereum.
It’s a secure, performant, and globally distributed network to collaboratively build Ethereum blocks, where transactions stay provably private and MEV value is permissionlessly redistributed back to users.
By maximizing participation in block building, BuilderNet reinforces the continued decentralization and resilience of public blockchains like Ethereum. Read the full mission statement here.
This is the initial release, and we expect the system to evolve rapidly. Updates are posted to the forum!
BuilderNet nodes are initially operated by Flashbots, Beaverbuild, and Nethermind, with more operators added in the coming months. Teams can express interest in becoming an operator through the interest form.
In the future all operations will be permissionless.
Key Features
- Open-source block builder instances run by node operators.
- Instances share orderflow and coordinate their bids with each other.
- Orderflow providers can verify the builder instance software, and securely send orderflow to them.
- Transactions stay provably private, with builder nodes running in Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs).
- Users are refunded the value their orderflow contributes to the final value of the blocks.
- Anyone can audit and contribute to the open source block builder that powers BuilderNet.
- For more information about the mission of BuilderNet, read the mission statement
- For public data, see the dashboard
- For details about BuilderNet’s features, architecture, and roadmap — read on!
During a test period, BuilderNet landed the first mainnet block on November 12, 2024 at slot 10,383,036
, block number 21,172,097
, with block hash 0xb1e93268b92b9526e1ca0288e00e799362c8be6dcac72b7da1330f0f2b7ca670
and extra_data Illuminate Dmocrtz Dstrib Prtct
BuilderNet launched publicly on November 26, 2024, with extra_data set to BuilderNet (<operator>)
. The first mainnet block after launch was at slot 10,483,748
, block number 21,272,327
, with block hash 0x86a32583045f379cfd483b8a5ddeaf927c73cc8c510785113c05caf35f0190e8