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Flashbots infrastructure

In the bootstrapping phase, BuilderNet relies on Flashbots infrastructure for:

  1. Builder node whitelisting, provisioning and identity management
  2. Archiving orderflow and bids in the Redistribution Archive.
  3. Debugging and development (training wheels)

This diagram shows the TLS certificate setup and key data flows:

See also "Encryption and Attestations" for more information about encryption and the use of certificates.


BuilderHub is the main service builder nodes rely on in the Flashbots Infrastructure.

It has these responsibilities:

  1. Builder identity management
  2. Provisioning of secrets and configuration
  3. Peer discovery

The source code for BuilderHub can be found at


The BuilderNet roadmap includes decentralization of BuilderHub responsibilities and permissionless builder nodes.

Redistribution Archive

The Redistribution Archive is an archive of orderflow and bids used for MEV redistribution, to calculate the MEV value contributed by each individual transaction in a block.

The design goal for the Redistribution Archive is to be eventually distributed and fully confidential. This is a parallel architecture and implementation track, with significant challenges. The dataset is fast-growing (about 30GB per day if the network would win 50% of blocks), needs consensus over the ordering, and must prevent withholding.

Orderflow from Flashbots

Flashbots infrastructure sends orderflow from these sources:

  1. Bundle relay
  2. Flashbots Protect
  3. MEV-Share