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Network interfaces & ports

Services inside the builder node use a number of ports for communication.

External Ports

Ports open for connections from outside the TDX instance.

Must be public

5544TCP (HTTPS)orderflow-proxyReceive orderflow from builder nodes and Flashbots.
9000TCP/UDPLighthouseConsensus network peering.
30303TCPRethExecution network peering.

Selective access

443TCP (HTTPS)HAProxy for orderflow-proxyOrderflow from operator, users, wallets, etc.
7936TCP (HTTPS/aTLS)cvm-proxyaTLS attested channel to serve local TLS certificate.
3535TCP (HTTPS)Operator APIAdmin interface for configuration and logs.
14192TCPSSHSSH access to the instance (disabled by default, toggle through System API action).

Internal Ports

Ports open to requests from inside the TDX instance only.

14727TCP (HTTP)orderflow-proxyServing GET /cert REST API which is used by cvm-proxy on port 7936.
3443TCP (HTTP)orderflow-proxyUser orderflow, via HAProxy on port 443.
7937TCP (HTTP)cvm-proxyProxy for requests to Flashbots infra (BuilderHub) using client-aTLS-attestation. Used to retrieve secrets and configuration, a list of peers, and for services to register their public keys.
8645TCPrbuilderJSON-RPC API (requests are sent from orderflow-proxy).
6069TCPrbuilderPrometheus telemetry.
6070TCPrbuilderRedacted telemetry and health check
6148TCPbidding-serviceUsed by rbuilder for bidding
3500TCPLighthouseREST HTTP API
9001TCPRethMetrics, used by local Prometheus
8545TCPRethJSON-RPC API (used by rbuilder, orderflow-proxy)
8551TCPRethEngine API (used by Lighthouse)
9100TCPnode-exporterSystem utilization metrics (cpu load, memory usage, etc) for Prometheus.

Firewall Configuration

On the firewall, these ports should be opened up for either private or public access:

PortServiceOpen toUsed for
5544Orderflow ProxyPublicReceive orderflow from other nodes and Flashbots.
9000LighthousePublicConsensus network peering
30303RethPublicExecution network peering
443Orderflow Proxy (via HAProxy)Operator, optionally for usersReceive orderflow from operator, users, wallets.
7936cvm-proxyOperator, optionally for usersServe the local TLS certificate through an attested channel (aTLS).
3535System ApiOperatorAdmin interface
14192SSHOperatorSSH access to the instance