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Orderflow sharing and confidentiality

BuilderNet nodes share all orderflow with each other, while keeping it fully confidential.

Leveraging TEE confidentiality and attestation mechanisms as well as end-to-end encryption, orderflow is only accessible to services running inside BuilderNet nodes. No orderflow or other data is exposed to node operators, including logs or metrics of running services.

The Operator API is the exclusive interface between operators and the TDX services, and includes limited but useful information such as service healthchecks.


During initial BuilderNet bootstrapping Flashbots will receive logs and have access to nodes for debugging purposes. This access will be provably revoked as soon as possible.

MEV-Boost Relays

Orderflow is only leaving the TDX instance when sent in blocks to MEV-Boost relays. Currently, these relays are used:

  1. Flashbots
  2. Agnostic
  3. Ultrasound EU and US

We are working to get rid of centralized relays through efforts such as tee-boost, to end-to-end encrypt the entire MEV supply chain.